
Friday, January 25, 2019

SHOT Show, Show Floor, Day 4

The last day of the show is a mixture of sadness and relief. Sadness that the show is over, and relief that the show is over. Our bodies are probably rejoicing - or will be once they have some time to recover.

So, in true lazy fashion (just like I've been doing all week instead of posts with substance), here are some pictures of our last day. There are actual posts forthcoming, just not today.

The non-tactical guns will go in here

The tactical guns will live in here.
CRKT Provoke MSRP $200.00

This will be my EDC knife

Our interview with MoJo 5.0

F1 Firearms

Mez's turn at Geissele's Plinko game

Not a bad prize - a knife from Geissele

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