
Saturday, January 19, 2013

We're Doing A Give-Away!

One of the best things about SHOT Show is all of the swag that gets handed out.  As usual, we came home with bags of good stuff.  Not ones to be selfish, we've decided to share.

We'll be giving away seven goodie bags stuffed with all sorts of stuff from the show.  One of the bags will contain a signed copy of Julie Golob's book, SHOOT.  Julie was gracious enough to give me an extra book just for this purpose.

Winners will be randomly chosen through Rafflecopter, and you'll be able to earn multiple entries.  This is the first time we've used Rafflecopter, so cross your fingers that it goes smoothly.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sorry, GunDivas and GunDudes and their families are not eligible.  Don't worry, though, you've got goodie bags of your own on the way.


  1. Wow, makes my haul look puny! LOL It was so great to see you all and spend time together

  2. awe some! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  3. Were you able to convince Ruger to part with an SR45 for T&E? Can't wait to see what's in the goodie bag.

  4. Fingers crossed :-) Can't wait to hear all about the SHOT Show!!!

  5. Holy cow - that is a LOT of swag!

    We hit up Cabela's for the Gun Appreciation Day... talk about PACKED. Really bad day to go get some fishing supplies, ha!

    Glad you had a good time at the SHOT show!

  6. I'd love to see a post on chosing a good holster for concealed carry.
    Particularly what would be good to use on horseback.

  7. Daddy Hawk, I think the only way you get to T&E the Ruger is to attend Media Day. So make plans for next year. I can tell you, I handled it in the booth and I wasn't blown away.

  8. Holy moly...that is awesome!! I will spread the word!

  9. Wow...that's a lot of nifty stuff!

  10. Wow...that's a lot of nifty stuff!

  11. Woohoo! Looking forward to hearing about the SHOT Show!

  12. I've been to the SHOT show before... they've always been a great deal of fun!


  13. Awesome! Very generous of you to share the swag :)

  14. Wish we lived close enough to go!!
    I enjoyed my stuff from last year!

    Hmm, going to have to pick up some stuff at the Horse expo for a give away! :O)

  15. Keep spreading the word :)

    Hubby and I will start packaging up the bags so that when we choose winners all we'll have to do is label them and drop them in the mail.

  16. Dang, that looks like fun! Maybe they'll hold it in the DFW area one of these years, so us poor folk can afford to go!

  17. Great blog, great contest. Hope to win!
    Denise D.

  18. I would love to see more DFW gun range reviews. Gotta love local!

  19. This is an amazing giveaway! My husband would love this!!! Sharing on my blog now ☺

  20. Found you thru Kelly and I'm hooked!

  21. Rabid Alient - I think it's pretty well entrenched in Vegas.

    Denise D. - welcome, good luck.

    Garland Girl - Daddy Hawk's got you covered!

    Kelly - thank you very much for sharing.

    K - welcome. Is there anything you'd like to see as the subject for a post?

  22. I rarely comment, but I do read. So, pick me, rafflecopter dohickey! Me!

  23. Also, in the future I'd like to see a couple posts about getting kids interested and started in shooting. Maybe you could mention some kid groups, like 4H, that do this? (Unless you have and I've missed it, then just point me in the right direction).

  24. Whoa! That is a lot of swag. You know, my water bottle is a little empty of stickers...

  25. Awesome bag of goodies. Any tips on teaching the kids gun safety?

  26. Sounds like a good time and lots of goodies to be had at the show! Thanks for sharing things along the way. BTW...did you see Officer GunCrazy and his Fireman brother?

  27. Just started following via Face Book...and now via blogger. (0:

  28. Would LOVE to win some swag! I've always with d I could get to the SHOT show... live too far away though. Maybe someday....

  29. I'm always looking for tips on summer concealed carry for women. Would love to see more on that! And I'd love to win one of the goody bags!

  30. This is awesome! I would def. Love to win one of these. : )

  31. Just found your website via Crap Happens Acres via Rural Revolution. Having fun exploring. I would love to win something.

  32. Thank you to everyone who has recently joined us!

    I've got a post in the works about teaching kids. Just a few months ago, I had the pleasure of shooting with a six year-old who was a rock star. I also taught all of my children to shoot, and while they're not quite as rabid as I am about shooting, they can all handle a gun safely.

  33. Oh how much fun is all of this swag? Enjoyed all of the post from SS!

  34. Hi. Just found your site. Hope you don't mind if a lurk around for a bit...

  35. Love a post about helping convince your spouse that firearms are a postie thing to have.

  36. Ryan, that's a great idea! I'll work on it.

  37. Situational awareness when being "distracted" by your children! :-)

  38. Just found your site and love everything so far. Off to read more of your Wesome articles!

  39. I'm hoping for something in the mail that could brighten a girl's day. Or at least be used to entice That Man. :-)

  40. Thank you for setting up this give-away! I would love to read your and others position on something that I am struggling with: as an instructor and mother, I had no problem teaching my son firearms safety and pistol/rifle shooting at an early age. However, how do you decide (if you do at all) at what age/maturity level we should/could work with strangers' children? Thank you!
