
Monday, January 7, 2013

Just Do It

In other places at other times, I have written about my profound distaste for NRA's mouth piece, Wayne LaPierre. I personally think his tenure at the helm of the NRA should have ended over a decade ago, and I think he has done at least as much harm as good for the image of responsible gun owners.Who here has forgotten his "jack booted thugs" comment, and how can we not all facepalm ourselves at the recent "Kindergarden Killers" video game reference?

My biggest gripe with the NRA though is the constant fear mongering pleas for more money. When I had a valid membership years ago, it seemed that a week didn't go by without receiving yet another LaPierre penned diatribe about how THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS!!!!! 11!!! ZOMG, SEND US ALL YOUR MONEY SO WE CAN FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS.

Based on the number of envelopes I've received since I let my membership lapse out of disgust many years ago, nothing has really changed.

I told you that to tell you this.

Despite my misgivings about the continued wisdom of letting Wayne anywhere near a microphone or TV camera to speak on my behalf as a responsible gun owner, I have held my nose and renewed (okay, so a delay of over 10 years is probably more like a second time new membership) my NRA membership.

If Senator Hypocrite really wants to go for the brass ring of gun control, I'm not going to stand by idly and see my rights taken away without doing something. The NRA may have its flaws, but it's the loudest dog in the kennel and will fight when necessary.

So, if you are like me and you've been sitting around lamenting Wayne "Tin Foil Beanie" LaPierre's so called leadership, it's time to let it go and close ranks with your fellow gun owners. If you've never been a member, now's the time to become a member. What ever your reasons for sitting back, just go do it. It's $25 well spent for a one year membership.

And, hey, maybe if enough of us complain loud enough, the NRA board will finally get the back bone they need to bring a fresh perspective into the mouth piece role.


  1. Double Tap, yeah. I may have to go to the NRA show in Houston in may and see if it can be arranged to have Wayne found with live boys or dead hookers.

  2. My feelings exactly. I also joined the Utah State Pistol and Rifle Association and am in the process of becoming a red hat for Appleseed though that takes a year. Yikes!

    1. Six, I may join Texas State Rifle Assoc as well. After a couple of other things get taken care of first. I'd love to do Appleseed, but I can't do to being a Sabbatarian.

  3. I am so glad you posted this. I don't say a lot against the NRA because I am new, but I am spoiled by the VCDL.

    1. A Girl, I really WANT to like the NRA, and they do do some very good things. I just wish they could tone down the rhetoric and the fear mongering a few notches. They way to reach out with a message is not to yell and harangue. There's enough of that already.

  4. Bring back Charleton Heston...oh, wait..can't. How about Clint Eastwood for top dog?

    1. Momma Fargo, I would love to see Clint Eastwood in the president slot. Unfortunately, even when Charleton Heston was pres, Wayne was still CEO and EVP. Heston was more of a figure head with most of the day to day power resting with Wayne. The board of directors needs to insist on a new CEO and EVP. If that person happens to be Clint or Chuck Norris or even Ted Nugent...awesome.

  5. Daddy Hawk...Ted Nugent..would be awesome. I didn't think of him, but what a powerhouse he would be.

    1. Momma, can you imagine the heads of all those liberals exploding at the announcement? "Ted Nugent head of the NRA????? That's...AAARRRGGG!!!!.[BOOM!!! Splat!]

  6. All the more reason for Uncle Teddy to head it up :)

    1. GunDiva, he certainly gave Piers Morgen a migraine recently. Terrible Teddy doesn't play by their rules.
