
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Swore...

...I was going to blog every day while at SHOT Show.

I lied.

Even though I've been here before, I always over-estimate how much I can get done and under-estimate how exhausted I am when the show closes each day.

When we get back home, we'll post all about the show.  In the meantime, here are some highlights:

Media Day
  • Met Lynne from National Take Your Daughter To The Range Day (that was actually in the morning at registration)
  • Got to shoot my first gun with a "giggle switch" as Mrs Mom calls it.  A Daniel Defense ISR in .300 blackout.  Only shot a few rounds in full auto, but it was giggle worthy.
  • Shot a KRISS sub-machine gun in .45 ACP on full auto.  Cool, but not as cool as the DD.
SHOT Show, Day 1
  • Met Dustin Ellermann
  • Met Julie Goloski Golob
  • Got lots of good stuff for give-aways when we return
We made some connections for future blog interviews - an Olympic shooter and the World Fast Draw Champion.

Mez is currently at the State of the Industry Dinner and will be writing up a post on that.  This year, more than any other year is going to be very important, I think.  I'm really interested to see what he's got to say when he gets back.


  1. Next year, GunDiva. Next year. I am getting a hall pass from The Queen, I am cashing in some frequent flyer miles and hotel points, and I will be the one playing with giggle switches and meeting gunnie royalty.

  2. Glad to hear your gala of guns is going great! Love the updates! Rockem sockem!

  3. I want to hear more about you 'Giggle Switch.' I think my wife has one, too.
