
Thursday, November 10, 2011

SEAL of My Dreams

Tomorrow, Veterans' Day, is the release of SEAL of My Dreams, a romance anthology that our very own NYT Bestselling GunDiva, Tara Janzen contributed her considerable talents to.  I've read the excerpt for her short story and it is hot, hot, hot.

All proceeds from the book go to the Veterans' Research Corporation, which sponsors medical research to help our veterans and their families.  You can buy the ebook version from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, or a print version from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Bell Bridge Books.

Go.  Buy it.  Let me know what you think.  And be happy that by buying a copy, you're contributing to the health of our vets.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I'm late to this party!?!

    Woot woot! I am all over this.
